A team on a mission to transform agriculture

We are a leading ag-tech company in the digitalization of agriculture. We want to create sustainable agriculture by empowering workers with technology and creating efficiencies in operations.


Get to know our Co-founders

César and Guillermo met in school when they were 6 years old. They started a lifelong friendship that is still growing strong to better feed the planet.

Foto de César Urrutia
César Urrutia
Co-Founder & Director

“We are leading the digital transformation of agriculture, ensuring quality food for future generations.”

Foto de Guillermo de Vivanco
Guillermo de Vivanco

“We want to create a more efficient and profitable agriculture, improving the quality of life of agricultural workers.”

We are transforming agriculture!
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From flying drones to leading the digitalization of agriculture

Learn about the beginnings of SpaceAG and how we went from being a local drone company to a software company that operates in several countries and works hand in hand with the largest agro-exporters in the world.

“Some dream of great achievements, while others stay awake and take action.”
Guillermo and César share with us the main learnings from starting and growing a technology startup for the agricultural sector.


We need profitable and sustainable agriculture to ensure the future

“By 2050, the world will need to produce 80% more of the food it produces today to feed us. However, we only have 10% of available agricultural land left.”

There is not enough quality food
25% of the world's population – more than 2 billion people – suffer from micronutrient deficiencies, affecting their health and life expectancy.
Agriculture is an unsustainable industry
Producers of high-value crops spend up to 60% of their production costs on labor. This makes the sustainability of agriculture impossible.


Our work is backed by the best
Selected for the Google for Startups Accelerator Climate Change program.
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Logo de Thrive by SVG Ventures
Recognized as the best Silicon Valley Growth Innovation Startup by the most active ag-tech investors in the world.
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Logo de Netafim
We develop solutions with the largest drip irrigation company in the world.
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We received investment from the most important Ag-tech fund in the region.
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Selected for the Google for Startups Accelerator Climate Change program.
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Logo de Thrive by SVG Ventures
Recognized as the best Silicon Valley Growth Innovation Startup by the most active ag-tech investors in the world.
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Logo de Netafim Perú
We develop solutions with the largest drip irrigation company in the world.
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We received investment from the most important Ag-tech fund in the region.
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Our efforts have been recognized from Perú to Silicon Valley


Recognized as the best Silicon Valley Growth Innovation Startup by the most active agtech investors in the world.
SVG Ventures | THRIVE 2022


SpaceAG accessed a total co-financing of 199 thousand peruvian soles from ProInnóvate, through the StartUp Perú contest (Seed Capital for Innovative Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Entrepreneurship)
Sociedad Nacional de Industrias | 2022


Forbes Peru recognized us as one of the top 100 Startups in Peru for the second year in a row.
Forbes Peru | 2023


Meet the team behind the digital transformation of agriculture!

None of this would have been possible without a team passionate about feeding the planet better.

Fidel Carrasco

Drone Pilot

Romina Nakasone

Marketing & Communications Analyst

André Sierra

Product Manager

Abel Dominguez

Product Manager

Daniel Salinas

Software Developer

Waldo Dávila

Full-Stack Developer

Joao Nascimento

GIS & AI Analyst

Carolina Guglielmino

UX/UI Analyst
¡More about us!

We share the story of our founders and how we became SpaceAG, the company that seeks to better feed the planet while transforming the industry and improving the quality of life for thousands of agricultural workers.

our story
How SpaceAG was born
Many years ago, César Urrutia and Guillermo de Vivanco began a school friendship, without knowing that years later they would start a company together, working hand in hand to achieve great things.
Keep reading
The software you need to be part of the new agriculture